Celpe-Bras preparation course prepates you for Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese for Foreigners (Celpe-Bras). It is accepted internationally for businesses and educational institutions as proof of competence in the Portuguese language.
In Brazil, it is required by universities for admission in undergraduate and graduate programs, by some companies recruiting foreigners and for application for Brazilian citizenship.

To get the certificate applicants need to pass the exam. It takes part twice a year in accredited institutions in Brazil and abroad. You can apply for Celpe-Bras exam here.

The exam consists of two parts – written and oral. Both require certain knowledge of grammar and vocabulary of Portuguese language though they are no direct questions on them. Exam checks the ability to really communicate in Portuguese taking into account cultural aspects of Brazilian life. Examples of a task: writing an email to a friend making suggestion to spend a holiday, based on the article about holiday destinations; reading an article and giving own opinion about the topic.

During our preparation course students get to know different types of the texts which can be asked on the exam, learn writing technics and receive some templates. It involves also a lot of practicing and detailed feedback from the teacher. Simulations of the oral part serve to familiarize the students with the possible discussion topics and improve conversation skills. Grammar exercises depending on the identified gaps individual for each student wrap up the Celpe-Bras preparation to guarantee an outstanding performance.

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