There’s an old Brazilian saying: “cada macaco no seu galho,” which literally means “each monkey on its own branch.” It’s a polite (or sometimes not-so-polite) way of telling people to mind their own business—perfect for curious neighbors, overenthusiastic colleagues, and that one friend who insists on giving relationship advice.
Recently, these monkeys have become frequent visitors to our garden—saguis. If you’ve never seen one, imagine a tiny, hyperactive furball with big eyes, ninja-like reflexes, and the ability to steal your snacks before you even realize they’re gone. These little primates, native to Brazil, used to stick to the forests, but thanks to deforestation and urban expansion, they’ve learned to navigate city life better than most of us.
And honestly? They embody “cada macaco no seu galho” better than anyone. They know exactly where they belong—hopping from branch to branch, minding their own business, and only bothering humans when there’s food involved (a strategy we should all adopt). Strangely enough, they seem to respect our routine. They never show up in the morning, almost as if they know we’re busy with Portuguese lessons and don’t want to disturb the class. But in the afternoon? First, you hear their characteristic whistles, and then they appear on the carambola tree, like tiny jungle ninjas.
And while it’s not advisable, it’s nearly impossible not to interact with them. They mostly eat bananas, and the moment they take a slice from your hand and retreat to their own branches to eat—each in its own perfect little spot—you can’t help but admire them.
Maybe there’s a lesson here for all of us. Life would be so much easier if we all did what saguis do—show up at the right time, take only what we need, and always, always stay on our own branch.
The saying “cada macaco no seu galho” is quite popular in Brazil and it’s often used in everyday conversations. So, if you’re learning Portuguese and want to tell someone to mind your own business you can use that. Of course you wanna do this with your friends and probably not with your teacher. You can also say: “cada um no seu quadrado” (engl.: Each one in their own square) or “cuide do seu terreiro” (engl.: Take care of your own yard).