10th June 2014 Brazilian Phrase of the Week: Fique Tranquilo Fique tranquilo If Brazilians value any single trait, it’s optimism; it’s being able to solve problems. And if the problem can’t... GoBrazil 1942 0 Read more
9th June 2014 Brazilian Food of the Week: Arroz com Feijão There are no reliable statistics to offer concrete numbers, but it’s safe to say that the overwhelming majority of the population of Brazil... GoBrazil 5805 0 Read more
4th June 2014 Brazilians pessimistic about the economy and benefits from the World Cup Brazilians pessimism about the future of the economy has increased considerably with just a few days left for the opening of the World... GoBrazil 1504 0 Read more
3rd June 2014 Hofstede Dimensions: What we can learn about Brazilian Culture (part 1) “Culture is the collective programming of the mind distinguishing the members of one group or category of people from others” Professor Geert... GoBrazil 20474 0 Read more
3rd June 2014 Brazilian Artist of the Week: Chico Buarque Francisco Buarque de Hollanda, known as Chico Buarque is a very important Brazilian singer, writer and composer. Listen to one of his most famous... GoBrazil 3246 0 Read more
30th May 2014 Portuguese Word of the Week: Saudade Saudade… …is a very typical world in the Portuguese language and is often used in Brazil. There is no exact translation into other... GoBrazil 3147 0 Read more
27th May 2014 Brazilian Food of the Week: Brigadeiro Brigadeiro is a simple but delicious chocolate dessert that is very similar to chocolate truffles. It has the distinction of being the most... GoBrazil 9503 0 Read more